Publication samples
Here are some examples of my work in software documentation and technical writing:

I did a full reorganization and rewrite of this language reference manual to make it clearer to programmers coming from more traditional programming environments.

I built this API reference documentation with a custom Node.JS application with the help of the API development team. It merges handwritten examples and task-based information about using the API with generated examples and endpoint reference from an OpenAPI source file.
This reference information reduced the average API partner integration time from 3 months to 1.2 months.

This tutorial covers the end-to-end process of searching, licensing, and downloading images with a free API subscription, requiring no credit card or other prerequisites. The tutorial includes instructions for Postman, cURL, the Shutterstock CLI, and the Shutterstock JavaScript SDK. I researched and wrote all of the content.

This documentation provides the quickest possible route for experienced Unity game developers to use Tezos as their backend. It starts with a quickstart and leads users into task-based tech docs and reference for the SDK objects. I researched and wrote all of the content.

This documentation covers many of the same topics as the API reference but is aimed at decision-makers and architects. Along with information about using the API, JavaScript SDK, and CLI, I've added a tutorial and information that helps Shutterstock's enterprise clients allow their employees to access Shutterstock through single sign-on. I didn't build this platform, but I expanded it as the content grew, and I wrote most of the content.

This tutorial covers using the reverse image search and keyword suggestion features of Shutterstock's computer vision services. It includes end-to-end instructions on setting up a free API account, installing the Shutterstock JavaScript SDK, and writing straightforward Node.JS programs to analyze user-submitted images. I researched and wrote all of the content.

I planned, wrote, and typeset this white paper based on testing data from one of IBM's product development teams. I consulted with the performance testers about what the test results meant and with the customer-facing teams that needed to explain the performance of the product to current and potential customers.

This video addresses customer confusion that I learned about from support requests. I researched, wrote, and recorded the video.
Analysis of support calls showed significantly fewer customer issues in this area after I delivered and promoted the video.

I planned, wrote, and recorded this video in Camtasia for a set of customers who were upgrading to DevOps-enabled cloud provisioning features. The video demonstrates new automatic provisioning and updating of cloud environments for customers, including animation and live demo.